Artwork: Max Grecke
Griffen Aerotech team:
Creative Director - Chris Cruz
Producer - Phil Golobish
Tech Director - Brad Smith
With direction from Griffin Aerotech, I began this project with a layered Photoshop file from the artist, which perfectly captured the game's aesthetic. Using each layer to craft the marquee, side panels, control board, glass splash, and kick panels. Each piece was designed to seamlessly blend together, creating a cohesive and immersive arcade cabinet that stays true to the game's unique style.
All new arcade lightgun dungeon crawler developed by Griffin Aerotech in collaboration with Devolver Digital and Dodge Roll. Explore and explode your way through an ever-evolving series of floors protected by the dangerously adorable Cult of the Gundead. Use your wits to discover uniquely fantastic weapons, insane power-ups, and hidden secrets to gain an edge against the Gundead horde.
Select Works
Terminus Software, Inc.Brand, Design, Web, Strategy
Enter the Gungeon: House of the GundeadArcade Cabinet Design
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JLOWeb Design
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Pokémon Black & White v2Web Design
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WargamingBranding, Illustration, Print, Web Design
Rónin TacticsE-commerce, Website Redesign
FieldCraft SurvivalArt Direction, Branding, Design, E-commerce
SkyfeederDesign, Illustration, Mobile Game Design
SKYCURSERLogo Design, Product Design, Web Design
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Senior Graphic Designer
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