Unseen Photos
Latest in: indy
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The Indiana State Fair

Another day at the Indiana State Fair. Looks as if most of the kids have returned to school and summer is drawing to a close.
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The Indiana State Fair Redux

Another day feasting at the Indiana State Fair, Kathy ended up too full from the absorbance of foods and had to take a ride back to the car on the air trolly.
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The Indiana State Fair

The crew at NUVO took their lunch hour to explore Two Dollar Tuesdays, at the Indiana State Fair.
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Ponderosa Sun Club NAP

Had an amazing weekend shooting for NUVO at Ponderosa Sun Club, here are a few of the safe images to post, you can see more on NUVO.
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The Old Ritz Theatre

The Old Ritz opened on February 22, 1927, with seating for 1,400 and is now abandoned.
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The Indiana State Fair with NUVO

The Indiana State Fair is an annual fair held in Indianapolis, Indiana, usually in August. The first fair was held in October 1852, on the grounds of what became known as Military Park. The …
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Rocket Doll Revue

The White Rabbit Cabaret in Fountain Square hosted the 3rd Annual Titty 500 May 4-5, featuring the lovely ladies and gentlemen of the Rocket Doll Revue Burlesque Troupe.
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John Boyle III

John Boyle is a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist based in Indianapolis. John's 2018 debut release of Early Lights marks his first solo album following five years performing with the jazz quartet Tripel.
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Boom plays dead

A simple photo concept with my friend Boom where I wanted to do a series of dark photos with the subject being a dead person. Boom thought the concept was entertaining and we headed …
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Old Reid Medical Center

Old Reid Hospital was a building in Richmond, Indiana that previously housed Reid Hospital and Health Care Services.
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Holiday Inn Express

An abandoned hotel in lafayette, Indiana.
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Jamie Rose

After a long winter and extreme boredom, I reached out to Jamie again to set up another photoshoot, this time I wanted to do a test and make a photo book from the experience.
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Jamie Rose

After meeting Jamie at a wedding and while I was trying to build my portfolio to begin shooting bands I asked Jamie to come by the NUVO offices for a short photo shoot.


If you’d like to connect or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Location: 39°46.103' N, 86°9.482' W
Phone: +1 415.964.1452

Please leave a message, and I’ll return your call promptly—or feel free to send me an email.


Senior Graphic Designer 

I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.


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