Unseen Photos
Latest in: Abandoned
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Indiana State Sanatorium

With the recent video of Sam and Colby exploring the Indiana State Sanatorium, I thought I would share my little short I made earlier in the year. Hidden in the quiet town of Rockville, …
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Abandoned Building on Fort Harrison

Abandoned Building Fort Harrison State Park
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Indiana Army Ammunition Plant

The now vacant Indiana Army Ammunition Plant was built on ruffly 10,655 acres of farmland along the Ohio River between Jeffersonville and Charlestown.
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The Old Ritz Theatre

The Old Ritz opened on February 22, 1927, with seating for 1,400 and is now abandoned.
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House outside Camp Atterbury

A small abandoned house on a roadway leading to Camp Atterbury.
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Old Reid Medical Center

Old Reid Hospital was a building in Richmond, Indiana that previously housed Reid Hospital and Health Care Services.
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Holiday Inn Express

An abandoned hotel in lafayette, Indiana.


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Location: 39°46.103' N, 86°9.482' W
Phone: +1 415.964.1452

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Senior Graphic Designer 

I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.I’m always available to chat and excited to collaborate on interesting projects.


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